Friday, October 26, 2007


Going to a Wedding tomorrow. Brides chosen colors are pink. So this is what I came up with for a card for the Happy Couple.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Before Pictures

Well. It's being worked on. DH put one coat of paint on it today. Probably has to do another one when this one is dry. Then I get to set my "play station" up. I'll post pictures of the empty painted room just as soon as the second coat is on and dried. Since my DH is a painter he had left over paint and the equipment to do this job fairly quickly. I don't even want to think about how long it would have taken little old "ME" to do this. I am very grateful. And he was happy to use up some extra paint he had sitting in his shop, not being used.
In the mean time, I have more than a few other projects calling my name. But this is progress, and I am so excited!!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Ribbon Inspiration

When I saw this ribbon, I loved it!! And now that my ribbon is all organized I had a hankering to create something. All the products I used were Close to my Heart, with the exception of the ribbon. Aqua has always been one of my favorite colors, which would probably explain why I was so drawn to this ribbon. I can remember even coloring with that color with my pencil crayons while we traveled growing up. I remember it destinctively. I think I am pretty happy with this card, what do you think?


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Getting Ready

I am patiently waiting for DH ( who's incredibly busy)to get the time to paint my new craft room. Which is done in his spare time. (Who came up with this, so called "Spare time" anyway??LOL) But while I am waiting, I figured I had a lot of organizing to do, LOL. So I have started with my ribbon. I have seen a lot of ribbon storage ideas. THis one seemed to suit my style, and my needs. So I went with it. I really don't remember where I saw this, but I really liked it. I cut up really good cardboard boxes and then covered them in craft paper. Boy, was that time consumming!!!!! I either taped the ends, or used little mini safety pins I picked up at the Dollar Store. Works great!! I have two of these white metal baskets, and I only filled one. Should I buy more ribbon??? LOL! I just love looking at all the colors. Should give me lots of inspiration don't you think?


Tuesday, October 9, 2007


O.K. I really can't believe I just did that!! Amazing!! I am such a computer dumbo. I can never figure out all the lingo my husband and brothers use half the time. Really I can't. I am just tickled that I was able to get this up and running. Now I've been able to put up a talking mini me!!!. Well, sorta looks like me. Not really. But hey, it's pretty cool. That is my scraproom behind that pretty lady you see. That has since been taken down and I am getting a NEW SCRAPROOM. WOOOOOAH HOOOOOO!! I never thought I would even get a whole room to myself. Well, not entirely, I am sure my kids will be in there from time to time. And I do have to share it with a few boxes that need to be stored and our Freezer. But hey, I am still one happy lady. I mooved everything out yesterday. DH says he will paint in mayber later this week. SO in all reality, lets face it, life takes it's time. I could have it done by the end of the month, or next. LOL When I get it done, I'll post my pictures. So today, I have alot to look forward to. I'm so excited!


Thursday, October 4, 2007


I once lived in Texas and have very fond memories of my life lived there. I was young, so life was good. �I remember our neighbour who, when his grandson would come to visit, we would ride his quad and dirt bike out back behind the house. �There was a large treed area out behind the house that we could get lost in for hours. It probably wasn't as big as I remembered it. But in my childhood mind it was big! �I remember walking home from school. I remember snow cone day at school. I remember Six Flags and their 12 foot hot dogs. �I remember the park with the pond, where we would feed the ducks and watch people fish. �I remember the Christmas where my Grandmother paid for me to have my ears pierced. I remember the star that my Grandfather made out of tin foil for our tree. �We used it for years! �I remember so much. But still my one of my favorite memories was of the friendship that I mad with C.H. When it came time for me to move, we made one last stop of Braun's Ice Cream Store, ( remember VERN! LOL). �We then wrote letters for a long while after. �Then, somehow, time expanded and we lost touch. �Ten years later our youth group was going to a conference in the city where I lived. So I decided to look her up and give her a call. �So it was that we sat down to a dinner and caught each other up to speed, and drove through the old neighborhood. A few more years passed. �I couldn't seem to get a hold of her again. It seemed I had lost contact with her. �Than came this contest I had entered. I needed to find some pictures to scrap �with what I was suppose to use. �I was drawing a blank. �Then I remembered my trip down to Texas and the pictures I had of the two of us. �So I got started. But I was still s little curious of where she was and what she was doing. �Someone I know suggested a few things to try and find her. So I started looking around. �It wasn't long before I was able to connect a few dots together. �I found a number. �I decided, what have I got to loose!? If it was the wrong number, than so what, right? �Well, she answered the phone!!!!! I was amazed that I was able to recognize her voice right away. �It was �a good long talk and a later one than I should have dared, had I been more careful of the time difference. �It was a real treat to receive updated pictures of her and her family. It was a blessing beyond measure to see how the Lord works and directs our lives and how much we fundamentally have in common. �It was also a blessing that I wasn't anticipating to reconnect with her. �And now I have �a memory dear to my scrapped!!

Hope you enjoyed my little story!!
